Home Page
  • Popels Hall, Church Road, Winkfield, Berkshire, SL4 4SG

Funding & Payments


Childcare Choices:
We accept the following options (subject to eligibility and claim): Universal Entitlement, Extended Entitlement, Tax-Free Childcare & Childcare Vouchers.

We also accept Expanded Entitlement (Working Parent) Funding for 2 yr olds from April 2024 (subject to HMRC eligibility check)
Please note: where parents wish their child to attend for free early education hours only, these are available 8:30am – 11:30am Monday – Friday. Note: We operate a waiting list, subject to availability, for completely free places.


Those claiming funding must meet the requirements set out by the Local Authority. A “Parent Declaration for the Free Entitlements” form (click on the file above Bracknell Forest Council - parent-declaration-form.pdf) accompanied by copy of birth certificate must be completed, signed and submitted to Tiggywinkles for processing and approval with the Local Authority.


The following table shows when a child will become eligible (source Bracknell Forest Council)

Child’s 2nd (where eligible) or                   Universal and Extednded entitlement starts

3rd birthday falls between

1 April and 31 August                                     Autumn Term (September)

1 September and 31 December                     Spring Term (January)

1 January and 31 March                                 Summer Term (April)




Payments can be made to our bank account:

Account Name: Tiggywinkles Pre-School

Sort Code: 20-65-20

Account: 43965171

